The only thing that bothered me was that my dad wasn't able to be there. My mom and step-dad were there, as were my sister and brother-in-law (he videoed Jade's speech, I haven't gotten a copy yet, hopefully it came out well!) My friend who is visiting from Minnesota braved 4 hours on the freeway to be there. Jade's friends Kaylee and Brianna were there with us and Brianna said the sweetest thing on our way of the the stadium. She wanted to make sure we took a picture of just the 3 of them, they have one from each one of their graduations. *sigh* That meant so much to me as a mom, you hope and pray that you're kids are going to have good friends, and that just touched me.
So, this week Christian has promotion from eighth grade and Mackenzie has promotion from sixth grade. I keep shaking my head wondering where the time has gone. Oh, and Jade and I have freshman/parent orientation at LMU.
It's a beautiful thing to watch these kids and their friends becoming wonderful young people.
I hope you find something that fills you with beauty this week.