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Friday, January 29, 2010


Today I am reflective and celebrating. At 2:23 PM Jade will officially be an adult. Woooooooo! I keep shaking my head wondering how I got here. Well, we got here one day, one year, one milestone at a time. Its hard to believe its been 18 years since I held my first born for the first time. Wow.

The past six months have been a little rough for me. Turning 39 was a difficult birthday, looking ahead at the year of milestones, 18th birthday for Jade, my baby sister turning 30 tomorrow, graduations in June (one from high school, one from Jr high and one from elementary school! and then of course, the dreaded 4-0 in August) I've always seen myself as a mom with young kids and this year I've had to come to terms with them growing up. I'm a mom, yes, but my kids aren't so young anymore. It's been hard.

It really does "take a village" to raise a child. We've done a great job! Thank you to all of the teachers, friends, family, coaches, pastors and neighbors who have helped along the way (even if you never see this). Jade is a beautiful,smart young woman who thinks for herself and in this generation, I think that's quite an accomplishment. But I remember when her eyes were still blue and how she cried when daddy left for work in the morning. I had to distract her by blowing bubbles. *sigh* My son is now a good 3 inches taller than me. And Mackenzie, my youngest is 11....going into junior high this year. Gosh, where has the time gone. Sometimes when I look at them I see them as 3 year olds, especially Christian saying "my mom said no".

So anyway, today we're going to PF Changs for lunch (its the end of the semester so no school today) and possibly to a movie. Sunday, we're having a family birthday party.

Jade Rebekah Lenier, you have brought more joy to my life than I ever thought possible. You are an incredible young woman, you have a bright future, you are loved beyond measure. I thank God everyday, He gave me you. Happy Birthday, love.
I hope its beauty-filled. =)